#59: Choose How Many Hours You Bill: Steptoe’s New Associate Compensation Model with Kate Cappaert

Listen here: Choose How Many Hours You Bill: Steptoe’s New Associate Compensation Model with Kate Cappaert

It’s what associates have been asking about for years - is there a way that firms can offer them different billable hours tracks, depending on their individual personal and professional goals? As Kate Cappaert, Chair of Steptoe’s Professional Development Committee, shares with us, that is what this BigLaw firm has done, developing three tracks for associates which provide them with the flexibility they need and want in their careers. We talk about how this initiative came about, what the response was from partners and associates, and how the opportunity works in practice (including when it comes to bonus and the path to partnership).


#60: How Junior Partners Can Compete for Work and Clients


#58: Should You Take a Counsel Role in BigLaw? Critical Questions to Ask First