Articles to help you achieve success in your work life
Browse through the blog, or use the search bar below to find my thoughts and advice on a specific topic.

5 Things Successful People Do to Develop Business Post-COVID
People are working and engaging in new ways in their professional lives, so it’s time to start thinking differently about business development for them as well.

Keep Calm and Get Ready to Adapt at Work
Like the start of a new school year, the return to work can come with its own challenges

Overcoming Limits and Finding Possibilities
A few LEGO bricks can help us to see new ways of working and envisioning where we want to go.

Why You Should Go Back to the Office
Maybe not every day, but when it can help you to achieve greater job satisfaction, advancement and effectiveness

5 Things To Do If You’re a Summer Intern or New Employee
Make the most of your first days on the job, and position yourself well to reach your goals.

How to Find Support For Your Career Goals and Development
Don’t wait for your company to provide the tools for you - you need to seek them for yourself and take action to move forward

Secrets of Success: How to Become a Law Firm Partner
Being a great lawyer isn’t enough. You have to know what the path to partnership looks like and strategize for how you get there.

5 Keys to Building a Book of Business in Tough Economic Times
You need to shift your mindset and start thinking differently about how you approach clients and what needs to change in your business development plan

8 Reasons Why You Should Think About Leaving Your Firm
Is it time for you to consider changing firms? It might be if you’re frustrated with some key areas that are preventing you from advancing where you are

Building Your Business Case to Be Promoted to Partnership
You may not need to originate a multi-million-dollar book of business but you’ll need to show the financial value you are adding now and how it will increase over time.

Stop Being in the Dark About Your Partnership Prospects
You need to learn what your firm looks at when evaluating candidates and get up to speed on the process for nominating, reviewing and electing partners.

Promote Yourself Without Being a Self-Promoter
Explain what you do, share how it meets the needs of others, and connect your talents with your goals.

Four Ways To Say Goodbye to Burnout in the New Year
Get ready for the challenges you’ll face by taking the time now to establish your goals and set yourself up for success

Moving Forward After Being Let Go - What To Do When You Lose Your Job
Focus on a few critical things immediately so that you can best position yourself for a smooth exit as well as a new job search

4 Ways to Manage Less-Than-Satisfying Feedback from Your Annual Review
Assess what you are hearing, work to gain more knowledge, and advocate for yourself to advance towards your goals.

Preparing for Your Annual Review Meeting
Develop a different mindset around how your evaluation meeting can better help you in your professional development

Why You Should Be More Focused On Your Annual Self-Evaluation
Stop avoiding completing your self-evaluation and start making it a tool that can work in your favor.

Managing Your Law Firm Career with a Business Mindset
Control and better direct your law firm career by focusing on the business of lawyering.

Knowing and Advocating For Your Financial Value
Be your own advocate when it comes to making financial decisions and asking to be compensated at the level you deserve

Connecting in a Remote World
You may have to try harder to communicate and build relationships, but it’s important to find in-person and other opportunities