#52: New BigLaw Partners: Use a Tracker to Build Stronger Client Relationships in BigLaw

Listen here: New BigLaw Partners: Use a Tracker to Build Stronger Client Relationships in BigLaw

Working to build and maintain client relationships as a newly elected partner can be tough to do in practice - including because it takes time that you often struggle to carve out. And so you need to develop a rigorous plan for how you will connect and take specific actions to follow up with the contacts and potential clients that you’re targeting. In this episode, I discuss why a structured approach to business development is crucial and how a simple tracker can help you stay on top of those key contacts, follow-ups, and next steps. I also talk about how critical it is that you be clear in directly and confidently asking clients for work, and asking for feedback about why you aren’t getting the engagements you’re seeking.


#53: Take Control of Your Career in the New Year


#51: New BigLaw Partners: Business Development Strategies