#12: Career Transitions with Legal Recruiter Erin Sears (Part 1 of 2)

Listen here: Career Transitions with Legal Recruiter Erin Sears

The role of legal recruiters can be pivotal in helping you make a transition in your career as an attorney. From helping you assess firms that might be a good fit, to negotiating an offer, to managing the timeline and work needed to make your move, a great recruiter can be critical. But you want to understand more about how recruiters really work, and how lawyers can better work with them.

In my interview with Erin Sears, Vice President at Garrison, one of the top recruiting firms in the legal industry, we break down how legal recruiting really works. Whether you're contemplating a move or just curious about the market, this episode is your roadmap to understanding the dynamics of legal recruitment and how to leverage them for your career advancement.


#13: Career Transitions with Legal Recruiter Erin Sears (Part 2 of 2)


#11: How Associates Can Handle a Not-So-Great Evaluation